Postcard Press Picks:
“In a Land Far Away”
The New York Time’s Magazine, known as T, runs as a monthly publication. The most recent compilation of articles for this magazine is focused on travel: this travel issue is known as “In a Land Far Away.” The title alone evokes an exciting sense of adventure and wanderlust, but this issue has a special twist. The editor describes this enthralling issue as,
…a series of fairy tales written exclusively for T…the kinds of stories that will inspire your own adventures if not of the body, then at least the mind.
This description lifted from the Time’s website stuck out, and made me recall brainstorming the values and ethics of Postcard Press as an entity. Active travelers are important to us, for they inspire us with their words and images, but the travelers of the mind are just as important, and our blog posts and literature are written for them just as much as any seasoned traveler.
This issue of T doesn’t discriminate and wants to inspire the reader with adventure no matter what their circumstances, and what better way than with fairy tales–the things that were a source of passion and lessons learned from a very young age, still reflected upon in adulthood.
The fairy tales found in the latest issue are all inspired by folklore stories of different cultures. For example, “Once Upon a Time in Montana” is written in the same vein as “The Legends of Tono” which is a collection of 119 Japanese folktales published in 1910.
These stories, written for the travel issue, are unique as they reflect how teachings from these traditional fairy tales transcend culture, religion, and geography, leaving an impact on all who read them.
(The NYT’s isn’t a stranger to excellent travel content, check out why we think their “36 Hours in…” travel column is worth a read.)
Have any fairy tales from your childhood inspired you to travel? Let us know so we can read them too! Also, don’t forget to pin!