Postcard Press Picks:
Zero to Travel
Mondays are pretty hard on me like they are for a lot of people. I have to wake up at six in the morning, so I can drive fifteen miles and be in the office by 8:00 am (my decision, but it’s still terrible). I find myself living vicariously through all the digital nomads I follow on social media, hoping that I might be able to do the same one day.
If you follow us, along with all the other wonderful travel blogs in the world, then you probably wish the same. That’s why our Postcard Press Pick of the week is the podcast Zero to Travel, which gives advice on how you can leave your 9-to-5 day job to pursue your wanderlust. Topics can range anywhere from finding work abroad to making a travel vlog (video blog) that’s worth watching.
Zero to Travel is designed for those who need help in figuring how to make their travel dreams come true. Jason, the founder of the podcast and website, based it on his own love for travel and the many ways he and other experienced travelers make it happen. His goal is to help listeners find new ways to travel the world in a way that works just for them–no matter what their situation is.
It’s a podcast that is worth the listen if you think you’re ready to start traveling more and just need a way to make it happen.
Do you have a favorite travel podcast that you never miss? If so, let us know below so we can listen, too!