On May 10th, one of our admins had her personal Facebook account hacked. Before the account was disabled, the hacker took over our Facebook page and changed its name to “Postcard Cute.”* Thankfully, we were initially able to share posts on that page through our Instagram account, but we now have lost that connection as well.
Since we’ve received no help or response from Facebook, we’ve created this NEW Facebook page. We want to continue engaging with you and growing Postcard Press, so please follow our new page!
We hope to see you soon on Facebook. We also want to thank you for following and for your support over the years. We’ve been on a bit of an extended hiatus as we figure some things out and deal with our other responsibilities, but we’ll be ramping up again soon!
*Also, please report the old page as a ‘Fake Page.’ Hopefully, with more people reporting it, Facebook will finally do something about it.